Call for GISIG Coordinator

Nominations are invited for the position of GISIG Coordinator on the IATEFL GISIG Committee.

The GISIG Coordinator(s) is/are ultimately responsible for ensuring that the following tasks are undertaken (either personally or delegated to a committee member):

General responsibilities

  • Maintain contact with the IATEFL Trustees and Head Office (HO), the SIGs & Publications Officer, the editor of IATEFL Voices, the SIG Representative and other SIG Coordinators, to inform them of events and activities and the general organisational and financial situation of the SIG
  • Mange committee interaction via the GISIG committee Slack site
  • Oversee the calendar of SIG events both online and face-to-face during the year
  • Prepare two reports a year, in mid-May and mid-October and submit these to the SIG Representative and SIGs & Publications Officer
  • Prepare an annual budget (and if necessary a PCE budget at the same time) and submit it to IATEFL HO each July (the IATEFL financial year runs from 1 Sept to 31 Aug)
  • Prepare an annual plan and share it with the committee
  • Send minutes of committee meetings (if held) to committee members, IATEFL HO and the SIG Representative
  • Attend, or send a representative (normally a committee member), to the SIG Coordinators’ meetings. These meetings are held at the IATEFL Head Office in Faversham, UK in June (one day) and in October (weekend meeting).
  • Delegate duties – including some of those listed above and below – to other committee members and follow up with action points and status.

SIG website & webinars

  • Maintain contact with the GISIG webmaster to ensure that the website is kept up-to-date
  • Maintain regular contact with IATEFL HO and the GISIG webmaster to ensure that SIG events are effectively promoted.

Advertising, sponsorship and social media presence

  • Ensure that sponsorship is obtained for GISIG events
  • Oversee the social media presence of GISIG and ensure regular communication with SIG members.

Mailings to members

  • Ensure that SIG members receive three mailings (including newsletters) a year
  • Liaise with the newsletter editor and IATEFL HO on the production of the SIG newsletter
  • Submit articles for inclusion in the monthly IATEFL eBulletinand for the ‘Focus on the SIGs’ pages in IATEFL Voices
  • Ensure regular communication is undertaken with SIG members through IATEFL HO.

Pre-Conference Event

  • Together with the committee decide on the topic of the Pre-Conference Event (PCE). Submit a budget to HO and help in the organisation of the event.
  • Attend and support committee members in the delivery of the PCE to delegates.

IATEFL Annual Conference

  • Attend all five days of the Annual Conference (including PCE day) and participate in the SIG PCE, the SIG Showcase Day, the SIG Open Forum and the AGM
  • Together with the committee decide on the selection of presentations to be included in the GISIG programme at the annual IATEFL conference
  • Ensure that presentations are selected to be included in the SIG day
  • Ensure that a SIG Open Forum takes place
  • Ensure that the SIGs past and future activities are publicised, new members are recruited, active participation in the SIG Committee is encouraged and contributions for future newsletters are solicited.

Everyday work and expenses

Day-to-day committee issues are discussed collectively by email, on Slack or in virtual meetings, thus cutting down considerably on the need to travel to face-to-face meetings. Administrative support is provided by IATEFL HO. Expenses for travel to meetings within the UK, as well as accommodation and subsistence costs following current guidelines, are met by IATEFL. If living outside the UK, the Coordinator should be able to attend meetings in the UK at a reasonable cost. All expenses details are available on request.

Essential skills, qualities and experience

Candidates for the role of GISIG Coordinator should have:

  • leadership qualities
  • an interest in global issues and their relevance to ELT teaching and training
  • practical experience of bringing topics related to global issues into their classroom teaching
  • demonstrable ability to act as a key representative at high profile events
  • evidence of project management skills including meeting deadlines
  • experience of engaging and communicating with geographically dispersed teams and gaining buy-in
  • strategic thinking skills
  • organisational ability
  • good interpersonal skills
  • intercultural competence
  • vision and diplomacy
  • a strong commitment to IATEFL
  • knowledge of and past contributions to GISIG
  • a minimum of two years’ membership of GISIG

Further information on the role of coordinator can be found in the SIG Handbook which is on the IATEFL website:

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