LIVE from Uruguay
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Graham Stanley is currently project manager of Ceibal English for the British Council, working in Montevideo, Uruguay. Previously to this, he worked many years for the British Council Young Learner Centre in Barcelona, Spain as well as being social media manager for the British Council English websites (LearnEnglish, TeachingEnglish, LearnEnglish Kids, LearnEnglish Teens). He was project manager for the British Council for the following EU funded projects:
- iTILT, aiming to promote good practice in using IWBS in language teaching.
- aPLaNet, helping teachers build PLNs (Personal Learning Networks)
- AVALON, best practice using virtual worlds in language teaching and teacher training
He was (until April 2013) joint co-ordinator of the IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG and currently he is a member of the team responsible for online events for the IATEFL Young Learner and Teenagers SIG.
He is author of the following books for teachers:
- Digital Play: Computer games and language aims with Kyle Mawer (Delta, 2011),winner of the British Council ELT Innovation award for teacher resources in 2012.
- Language Learning with Technology (CUP, 2013), winner of the English Speaking Union’s HRH Duke of Edinburgh award for English Language book of the year.
Here is the URL for the recording. I will post the Chatlog later.