This is a reverse poem written by Jonathan Reed – read backwards the message is the opposite than if read ‘the normal’ way.
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If I could change the world…
This clip was produced by Canadian college students for a class project in 2008. Their course focussed on global issues and the way each one of us can make a difference.

One-Minute Meditation
This is a cartoon-story demonstration of the power of meditation. The message is: you can make a meaningful change to your state of mind quickly. You can learn to stay calm in stressful situations.

Leaving Home
Michael Rosen performs one of his poems about a 13 year old boy leaving home to go on a political demonstration. (The Aldermaston marches were anti-nuclear weapons demonstrations in the 1950s and 1960s, taking place on Easter weekend between the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment at Aldermaston in Berkshire, England, and London.)

Pale blue dot
This clip shows our home, planet Earth, from a cosmic perspective. The narrator, Carl Sagan, was a famous astronomer and science fiction writer.
Global (pre-intermediate), Lindsay Clandfield, Macmillan 2010
Global (pre-intermediate) Lindsay Clandfield Macmillan 2010 158 pages ISBN: 978-0-230-03309-2 The adult coursebook “Global” by Lindsay Clandfield, has gained more and more popularity among teachers throughout the world as an excellent teaching resource since its publication in 2010. In the era of global English, more and more English teachers have realised the importance of improving […]
English in deprived circumstances Maximising learner autonomy
English in deprived circumstances Maximising learner autonomy Bangalore: Cambridge University Press India Pvt. Ltd./Foundation Books, 2007. Paperback 85 pp. ISBN-13: 978-81-759-6435-8 Author: R. Amritavalli Reviewed by Bill Templer, Bulgaria In combating the learned helplessness of our English language learners (ELLs), galvanizing learner autonomy is one prime avenue for sustained change. Can ELLs choose their own […]
Teaching the Pronunciation of English as a Lingua Franca
Teaching the Pronunciation of English as a Lingua Franca Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers Series Paperback, 223 pp. ISBN-10: 0194422003 ISBN-13: 978-0194422000 Author: Robin Walker Reviewed by Chia Suan Chong, UK In a world where English is cementing its position as the lingua franca used for international communication, it is issues with pronunciation, and not […]
Thinking in the EFL Class by Tessa Woodward
Thinking in the EFL Class by Tessa Woodward Helbling Languages 2011 Today more than ever it’s vital that we get into the habit of thinking creatively, with empathy, and in a socially responsible way. I’m convinced that our survival as a human race depends on this. But even if you don’t share my view, […]
World Water Facts
Acknowledgement: we are grateful to Jamie Keddie and for permission to feature this lesson here.