
Welcome to the June IATEFL GISIG Newsletter! We’ve had a busy few months with significant contributions at the IATEFL conference in Brighton and the Africa ELTA conference in Cairo.

Highlights include:

  • A workshop on the impact of intercultural online link-ups by Rajaa Abu Jasser, Nick Bilbrough, and Ashraf Kuheil.
  • Nataliia Krynska’s talk on supporting teachers in emergencies.
  • Cláudia Colla de Amorim’s discussion on anti-racist teaching.
  • Rajaa and Nick’s presentations on intercultural growth and remote theatre in Gaza.
  • Ruby’s interactive workshop on the Sustainable Development Goals in the ELT classroom.
  • Insights from Judy Boyle on social justice in ELT and Abigail’s strategies for engaging teacher associations.

Additionally, we feature an interview with GISIG founder Alan Maley by Albert P’Rayan.

We hope you enjoy the newsletter and welcome contributions on the climate crisis and other topics for future editions.

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