by Angelina.
Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually. This graph was shared on the Food Issues Facebook page by the teacher Milada Krajewska.
Food month – Week 2 Summary
Well we have just finished our second week of Food Month, and things are still coming in!
Here are some of the highlights of what has been shared recently in terms of lesson plans.
Material for Low Level teens from Lizzie Pinard, one of the top current bloggers of materials around at the moment. In this lesson students go on a chocolate journey from the sweet to the darker side of the chocolate industry.
A team-teaching project on food waste, with ideas and lesson plan, has also been shared. What’s nice is seeing teachers working together on this, this example is from Hannah Chung in London.
We’re also really happy to have had another gorgeous short film and lesson plan to go with it from the great Film English blog by Kieran Dogherty.
The interesting blog Informed teachers shares a food issues lesson plan from Brazil as well,
check it out here.
There have been some great visuals shared too. Check out the vegetarianism by numbers image at the top of this post, or perhaps the food infographic of
America’s food deserts.
Finally, our very own GISIG Coordinator Margit Szesztay, shares a lesson on healthy eating and unhealthy eating, connected to a Jamie Oliver video.
Download it here.
You can see these and more links to lesson plans that have been shared at our lovely Pinterest page,
click here to see it.
Reading reading reading!
Over at our forum discussion, as well as on our Facebook page and twitter feed, people have been sharing lots of interesting articles. Here is a quick selection of four or five.
How confusing food labels lead to food waste
Contaminated water and food in schools
Community cooking in economic crisis time
Food rap – how food plays a part in social awareness and music
Week three – time to read it, reflect on it, teach it!
Well there is now certainly no shortage of material that we have created, collated and curated for this event. Now it’s time to reflect a bit, do some of the reading and perhaps teach one of the lessons! In addition, our blogpage has been receiving rather a lot of spam and we have had to temporarily suspend comments. You can still share experiences or ideas or reading with us on Twitter (using #foodissuesmonth) or on our Facebook event page.
In week four we will take stock of the whole event and talk about what happens next. Thank you again everyone for the great interest you have shown and the great resources you have shared!
As well as Hannah Chung’s post, SGI also published a complete lesson plan based on a podcast of 2 native British speakers talking about food allergies and having a sweet tooth
Yes! I saw that as well on the Facebook page, sorry I thought it had been mentioned before. Thanks for that, and have added it to our Pinterest page as well.
Thanks, Lindsay
It seems to me that in “Food Month” Lindsay has prototyped a completely new, technologically highly literate, dynamic, exciting, successful new format for e-list discussions and the sharing and exchanging of materials, teaching plans and seeking and offering support from kindly colleagues around the world. He deserves a public award. The response has been impressive. Dennis
Thanks Dennis! You’re too kind. It’s been a great collaborative effort and credit goes to all who took part.