The Global Issues Area was alive and thriving before, during and after the Conference, thanks to Bill Templer, Paul Woods and all the other members who posted messages. Some of the threads discussed included globalisation and linguistic imperialism, how kids learn about discrimination, prejudice and stereotypes, and women’s issues. Paul Woods posted a list of […]
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The GISIG thread at the IATEFL Main Conference, Glasgow, 21 March 2012
We also had some excellent workshops and presentations during the GISIG Day at the main IATEFL conference which included: Sara Hannam (Greece): English Language teachers and their work: changing trends? Rachel Wicaksono (UK): Raising awareness of ELF in an internationalising university Alan Mackenzie (India): Evaluating internationalism in the curriculum Rachel Bowden (Malaysia): ELTDP: Enquiry-based project […]