The Global Issues Area forum of IATEFL Glasgow online 2012

The Global Issues Area was alive and thriving before, during and after the Conference, thanks to Bill Templer, Paul Woods and all the other members who posted messages. Some of the threads discussed included globalisation and linguistic imperialism, how kids learn about discrimination, prejudice and stereotypes, and women’s issues. Paul Woods posted a list of questions that which were raised and discussed at our PCE. They were:-

  • How can we engage learners with Global Issues?
  • What Global Issues should we discuss and bring into the classroom?
  • How can we link global with local?
  • What ideas do people have for using clips which involve very little language (eg Mr Bean)?
  • How can we make global issues relevant to young learners?
  • How can we get shy, weaker students to speak out in class?
  • Who makes policy and how does this affect the lives of teachers in the classroom? (the example was quoted of Iraq where there is a new curriculum in schools but teachers colleges are still teaching to the old curriculum)
  • How do students’ age and culture affect what Global Issues can be discussed in the classroom?
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