Below you can find resources from all around the internet that might help you bring this important global issue to your lessons. We at GISIG believe that our goal as human beings on this planet should be above all to live peacefully next to one-another and to settle our disputes via negotiations instead of violence. […]
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Cinema Inspirations Competition
IATEFL GISIG and MaWSIG invite competition entries for the project ‘Cinema Inspirations’. Population growth, global warming, disappearing species, human rights … There are many challenges, trends and pressing concerns facing humanity today.The ‘Cinema Inspirations’ project aims to create a bank of freely accessible ELT materials based on films related to these global issues. Submit an […]

A-Z of Global Issues by Julie Pratten, Linda Ruas & Helen Waldron
‘A-Z of Global Issues’ is a resource book containing 26 interesting and engaging activities, discussions and role plays, designed to bring real issues into the classroom. It comes with user-friendly teaching notes, which outline the language focus, level, type of activities, timing and suggested lesson plan. The activities are suitable for business and general ELT […]

Social Justice in English Language Teaching by Hastings, C. & Jacob, L. (Eds.)
Reviewed by James D. Mitchell Social Justice in English Language Teaching is a collection of chapters about various identities (linguistic and non-linguistic) and aspects of social justice (e.g. human rights, peace, global citizenship, environmental issues). The book is divided into seven parts: ‘Social Justice and English Language Teaching’ (the introduction); ‘Peace building and English Language […]

English across the Fracture Lines – British Council
Intriguing articles, including one by a former GISIG coordinator, Mike Solly. Chap. 3 on Gaza and its many aporias is co-written by a key Palestinian colleague, Dr. Nazmi Al-Masri, who remains largely confined inside the Gaza Strip as Associate Professor at the Islamic University of Gaza. The sole contributor from Eastern Europe, Vesna Tasevska-Dudeska in […]

Students for Peace by Eduardo Amos
Students for Peace (SFP) is a four-book series whose cross-cutting theme is Peace Education. It was originally designed for Brazilian 6th to 9th graders with ages ranging from 11 to 15. Each book is organized into eight chapters, comprising a total of 144 pages each. Each chapter is built around a topic which deals with […]

Global Justice in Easier English by Linda Ruas
Reviewed by Stella Smyth Global Justice in Easier English: Upper-Intermediate is part of a series of three short booklets of about 42 pages, at levels Pre-intermediate (A2), Intermediate (B1), and Upper intermediate (B2). Each booklet includes 6 units constituting approximately 2 hours of classroom work. These units are cognitively challenging, culturally varied, and oriented towards […]

Why Global Issues by Linda Ruas
We are happy to announce that the new book of GISIG Joint Coordinator Linda Ruas is now available in both paperback and electronic formats. The best thing about it: all author royalties plus a contribution from the publisher, Academic Study Kit will go to GISIG-related projects to support and train volunteer teachers of English in refugee […]
Gender Issues Month – Week 4 summary by Leonor Marin
To close with a flourish, week four of our Issues Month was absolutely varied, interesting striking. Leo shared a poem: Equality – He for She by Shannon PerryCrawley Some lines which stay in our minds: You should have the right to express your emotions and be what you please, You should not be pulled back […]