In April 2021 GISIG launched Global Shorts – an exciting online film club for IATEFL Global Issues SIG members. Short films are a fantastic classroom resource, and there are so many moving, funny, challenging and provocative shorts freely available online. Each month, we shared a collection of curated links to short films on global issues themes for members to use with their students.
Teachers are busy people, so each month’s collection lasted no more than 30 minutes in total, although individual films varied from 1 min – 30 mins in length. Focusing on issues of social and environmental justice, these shorts included animations, documentaries, adverts, infomercials, narratives or drama, comedy or campaign videos – basically anything with the potential for use as a text in the language classroom. For this reason, the films were predominantly in English, but across our collections, we aimed to include as wide a variety of different Englishes as possible.
GISIG members were invited to join with our friends and colleagues from the IATEFL Literature SIG for live, interactive discussion of each collection, held online on the 3rd Thursday of every month. The films were viewed in advance – ideally, immediately prior to the discussion. Each collection challenged our own perspectives, ideas and opinions, as well as (hopefully!) those of our students. GISIG members can access the eight Global Shorts e-tickets through their IATEFL member resources page.
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