Week 3 of our Gender Issues Month proved to be just as productive and fruitful as Weeks 1 and 2. On our GISIG website, Julietta shared a ready lesson on Shakespeare’s The taming of the shrew, which inspired a nice collection of gender-themed poems and films. In response to Julietta’s lesson plan, Bill shared his own experience with teaching […]
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Gender Issues Month – Week 2 summary by Julietta Schoenmann
We kicked off Week 2 with a highly engaging post from Bill on the Good Lad Initiative. For those unfamiliar with this, it highlights ‘positive masculinity’ and the way in which men and boys talk about women. This is in direct relation to the recent debates around Donald Trump’s verbal treatment of women and his […]

Gender Issues Month – Week 1 summary by Linda Ruas
We’ve had a lot of great contributions in our first week, both on our GISIG website and on the linked Facebook page, and are very lucky that MAWSIG are supporting our Issues Month this year! As language teachers, we are probably all interested in the way language changes to accommodate social changes and to start talking […]

Sexual harassment at school
Victoria is a British teenager who experienced verbal sexual harassment at school by a fellow male pupil. She speaks about her reaction and what she did.
Global Issues related websites and blogs run by GISIG members
Linda Ruas’ Easier English New Internationalist wiki: https://eewiki.newint.org/index.php/Main_Page – an ever-growing collection of hundreds of simplified articles about global justice plus over 60 ready-to-use lessons and teaching tips Kieran Donaghy’s Film English: http://film-english.com/ – ready-to-use lessons based on short films – many of the more recent ones are related to global issues and developing empathy in the […]

Growing up in Gaza
Sarah Al-Jamal is an 11-year-old girl born and growing up in the Gaza Strip under Israeli control and ‘siege’. She talks about her daily life, her fears, her family, her problems living in one of the world’s ‘hot spots’.

Summary: War & Peace Issues Month
You can download our summary of the 2015 Issues Month below. A huge thanks to our Sylvia Ozbalt for collecting all these wonderful materials.

A Global Issue in the classroom: Migration
When it comes to global issues – and in the Global Issues SIG it really does – the topic of migration cannot be left unaddressed, especially in the light of what is currently happening in the world. But should we bring this controversial topic to the ELT classroom? Can we? Judging by the level of […]

This very short clip raises awareness of bullying in schools and shows an interesting way of taking a stand against it.

52 – A year of subversive activity for the ELT classroom
The authors of 52 – Lindsay Clandfield and Luke Meddings – kindly made available six of their awesome actives to be displayed on our website. We are going to publish one of them each month, starting today. Enjoy! And if you like these samples, head over to The Round and buy the full book. By doing so you […]