You can download our summary of the 2015 Issues Month below. A huge thanks to our Sylvia Ozbalt for collecting all these wonderful materials.
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A Global Issue in the classroom: Migration
When it comes to global issues – and in the Global Issues SIG it really does – the topic of migration cannot be left unaddressed, especially in the light of what is currently happening in the world. But should we bring this controversial topic to the ELT classroom? Can we? Judging by the level of […]
War & Peace Issues Month: How You Can Participate – SHARE HERE!
How you can participate October 2015 is IATEFL Global Issues SIG special event – War & Peace Issues Month! For the third year in a row, we are holding a month-long online event. This is an asynchronous event, developed with the aim of sharing ideas about teaching English with a conscience, this year through the […]

War & Peace Issues Month 2015
We live in turbulent times. Conflict, fear, anger, loss… They are also times of compassion, action, hope and great strength. For the third year, we are holding a month-long online event. We invite teachers, teacher trainers and writers to contribute their ideas on applying themes connected to “War & Peace” to an English teaching context. […]