The IATEFL Global Issues SIG and Learning Technologies SIG are putting together an exciting month-long online event. The format will be a series of audio episodes, almost like a weekly radio show. Each episode will feature a full interview with an expert in the field of technology discussing different problematic aspects of edtech and global […]
About Lindsay Clandfield
Author Archive | Lindsay Clandfield

Food Issues month comes to a close
A very big thank you to everyone who participated! Food issues month has now come to a close. This was the first online, asynchronous event of its kind put on by the Global Issues Special Interest Group and we are all very pleased with the result! The event spanned over several online platforms, from this […]

Food Issues Month Week 3 – A food issues video playlist
Food Issues Month, hosted by the Global Issues SIG of IATEFL, is finishing its third week! There have been dozens of resources, images, articles and lesson plans shared already. Among these have been quite a few videos, so we thought it might be nice to create a playlist where people can access them. Click below […]

Today is World Food Day!
Just to let everyone know, today is World Food Day! This ties in so well with our Food Issues Month here at Global Issues SIG, you would think we had almost planned it! Actually, we only found out about this when we were reminded by fellow SIG member Bill Templer. You can check out the […]

Food Issues month – Week 2 summary!
by Angelina. Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually. This graph was shared on the Food Issues Facebook page by the teacher Milada Krajewska. Food month – Week 2 Summary Well we have just finished our second week of Food Month, and things are still coming in! […]

Food Issues Month Resources – A pinterest page
Interested in seeing the resources, links and everything that teachers are sharing for Food Issues month? Carla Arena of Brazil has started a great Pinterest board. You can see the resources by clicking on the image below.

Food Issues month – Week one SUMMARY
FOOD ISSUES MONTH – THE FIRST WEEK… This first week has seen a lot of action, activities, suggestions and talking points from teachers around the world. We’re really pleased with the reception. It’s a good moment to take stock of some of the things that have been shared and to encourage you to keep going! […]

Food Issues Month – Share here!
Welcome to Food Issues Month! This is the one of the main areas where you can share your ideas, links, experiences or thoughts on the Global Issues SIG Food Issues Month. It’s simple. Just leave a comment on this post with your contribution. We will be doing a weekly summary of these contributions, as well […]

How you can participate in GISIG’s Food Issues Month
In just under a month we will be starting the IATEFL Global Issues SIG special event – Food Issues Month! This event is an online, asynchronous event with the aim of “Teaching food with a conscience”. We are already beginning to get interest on how to take part, so we’ve put together the following little […]