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The Image Conference | 2018
The Image Conference is an innovative and collaborative project which seeks to explore the possibilities which film, video, images and video games offer to both language teachers and language learners. The conference is going to host several global issues related sessions and speakers. You can check them out the the conference website or by downloading […]

GISIG Four Corners Summit – June 24, 2018
Thanks for attending! The slides of our presenters are going to be available here shortly. Jason’s slides Elli’s slides Dragana’s slides Raja’s slides In this webinar organised by IATEFL Global Issues SIG, four teachers from four countries share their experience of how they tackle global issues in the classroom. Equador: Integrating global issues creatively in […]

TESOL France 2017
36th Annual International TESOL France Colloquium Paris, 17 – 19 November 2017 GISIG co-coordinator Julietta Schoenmann is representing GISIG at the conference through presenting a session on disposable fashion (Saturday Nov 18th at 9:00) and hosting a panel discussion on bringing Global Issues into the classroom (Sunday Nov 19th at 14:15). More information: TESOL France […]

WEBINAR: Storytelling for a Better World – 3 Sep 2017
Storytelling for a Better World Injustice and other challenging global issues are addressed through telling world stories. What students learn from a story is not what happens in the story but in their response to it. Creative response tasks lead to insights about how to make the world better. Let’s try activities from the new free British […]
GISIG WEBINAR on 12th November, 2016
James Mitchell Privilege, Power, and Intersectionality: Awareness of Ourselves in Our Teaching Practices Abstract Intersectionality, the study of how social identities (e.g., race, gender, class, sexuality) overlap, has only recently emerged as a topic of discussion in TESOL, and can aid teachers in their understanding of oppression, privilege, and power. This presentation will explore the […]
Birmingham PCE 2016: Daring Creativity – Changing Education
Global Issues SIG & The Creativity Group joint event IATEFL PCE at Birmingham – 12 April 2016 Speakers and facilitators include: Susan Barduhn, Peter Medgyes, Chaz Pugliese, Malu Sciamarelli, Margit Szesztay, and Adrian Underhill. The PCE explored the way creativity can act as a catalyst for fundamental change in education. In particular, we focused on […]

Coming soon – a special online event
The IATEFL Global Issues SIG and Learning Technologies SIG are putting together an exciting month-long online event. The format will be a series of audio episodes, almost like a weekly radio show. Each episode will feature a full interview with an expert in the field of technology discussing different problematic aspects of edtech and global […]